For me, teaching preschool and kindergarten is an incredibly experiential few years. There are very few things that we formally learn about that we do not also find a way to touch or interact with on some level. Reading books can peek a child's interest in a topic and a first hand look at that topic can seal the deal~ a readers becomes a doer! It is much more difficult to forget that which we actually do with our own hands. Even if young children do not remember the specific event they will still integrate the experience into their continuously growing minds.
A field trip is the perfect opportunity to take a subject matter and turn it into hands on fun!
Using the book, Tito the Firefighter
The unit study ended with a trip to the local fire house that really put the power (water power that is!) behind the story.
Tips for making a field trip to your local firehouse:
It is easy! Simply call your local fire department and express interest in visiting the fire station. Tell the ages of the children attending. Many fire stations will simply let you come for a visit and as long as no emergency is taking place they will give a tour, talk fire safety, and even let you sit in the truck! For an added bonus, check and see if your fire department puts on a special program for Fire Safety and Prevention Week October 9-15, 2011. And, make sure to make a special visit in May for International Firefighters Day and express appreciation for the work these men and women do each and every day!
Some more resources:
Crayola Fire Station Field Trip
Apples for the Teacher Fire Safety Resources
Sprout Online Fire Safety Activities
Many blessings raising readers!